We all want to send and receive text, picture or video messages in the cheapest and most reliable way irregardless of the types of phone we use.
OTT messaging provides a richer experience to users with better features and it is ‘free’ while SMS does not require mobile data and is available on all phones. So how do we get the best of both worlds?
Karl Whitefield provides an insightful look at how we can have the best of both worlds by using Smart Messaging in his article "Smart Messaging: Integrated SMS and OTT"
At Ginota, we provide Smart Messaging through our mobile app “Right Here Messenger” (RH Messenger) where it intelligently selects the preferred or available message delivery mode by sending via RH Messenger or SMS channels. We also allow other OTT messaging apps to pair with Ginota in place of our RH Messenger in our Smart Messaging solution. Find out more by clicking here.