
Message Examples


Plain SMS

To send a SMS, Hello Ginota to 60123456789 with sender id as Ginota:

Mandatory ParameterValue in RequestDescription
apiKey GinotaAPIKey Your Ginota Account API Key
apiSecret GinotaAPISecret Your Ginota Account API Secret
srcAddr Ginota The sender id
dstAddr 60123456789 The destination mobile number
content Hello+Ginota The message content (URL-encoded)

Flash SMS

A Flash SMS is a type of SMS that appears directly on the main screen without user interaction and is not automatically stored in the inbox.
Note: Some handsets do not support the feature to save a flash SMS into inbox.

To send a flash SMS, Hello Ginota to 60123456789 with sender id as Ginota:

Mandatory ParameterValue in RequestDescription
apiKey GinotaAPIKey Your Ginota Account API Key
apiSecret GinotaAPISecret Your Ginota Account API Secret
srcAddr Ginota The sender id
dstAddr 60123456789 The destination mobile number
flash 1 To set the message type as flash SMS
content Hello+Ginota The message content (URL-encoded)

Unicode SMS

Creating a Unicode SMS (for eg. in other languages such as Chinese, Japanese, Korean and etc.), is similar to Plain SMS. The difference is in the value of parameter content which must be UTF-8 and URL-encoded.

To send a unicode SMS, 中文信息 to 60123456789 with sender id as Ginota:

Mandatory ParameterValue in RequestDescription
apiKey GinotaAPIKey Your Ginota Account API Key
apiSecret GinotaAPISecret Your Ginota Account API Secret
srcAddr Ginota The sender id
dstAddr 60123456789 The destination mobile number
content %e4%b8%ad%e6%96%87%e4%bf%a1%e6%81%af The message content (URL-encoded)
URL Encoded SampleLanguageExpected Text Received
content=Hello+Ginota English Hello Ginota
content=%e4%b8%ad%e6%96%87%e4%bf%a1%e6%81%af Chinese 中文信息
content=%e3%81%93%e3%82%93%e3%81%ab%e3%81%a1%e3%81%af Japanese こんにちは

Concatenated SMS

Generally a long SMS is split into chunks of 153 characters while in Unicode content messages are up to 67 characters where extra 8 chars are needed to hold 'segmentation information' that is sent along with the body of the sms, so that the handset knows how to put all the parts back together again into a single long message.

Ginota takes care of the concatenated SMS naturally. However, do take note on the maximum message length per number of SMS for a plain message:

Number of SMSMaximum Message Length
1 160
2 306 (153*2)
3 459 (153*3)

Ginota charges user by message submission. Therefore, concatenated SMS is billed by the number of individual SMS messages parts. Based on the table above, sending a SMS of 459 characters will result in charges of 3 SMS. You may find the number of SMS from Ginota API response, parts:

HTTP Header 200 OK
Content {
status : "0",
parts : 3,
messageId : "18D64EC1EADD"

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